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Bodytite to combat cellulite

The new technologies reach the field of aesthetic medicine continuously, which gives us more and more precise tools and effective to remove deposits of water and liquids that accumulate in some parts of our body, and forming the so hated cellulite. Thus, we can both remove the orange skin and sagging of skin that often accompanies the loss of collagen and elastin due to the passage of time.

So far, to fight with these effects, we had traditional liposuction, but now we have an art treatment called Body Tite, which is the first such system that is assisted by radio frequency.

This system uses a platform that has multiple prongs, which can improve the results. The platform has an interface that is easy to use, and allows aesthetic specialist to monitor the progress in treatment and temperature.

The Body Fat Tite destroyed through heating of the skin by an internal electrode is inserted into the area you want treated. This system also has a mechanism that allows us to control the temperature of the skin while we are applying, so there's no risk, as in other treatments of the skin to excessive temperature.

The melted fat is sucked through the electrode while hot subdermal tissue. This is achieved, while removing the fat, to achieve retention, the fibers of the skin that removes much of the tenderness of the area which characterizes cellulite .

The treatment is also much easier on the body than other types of liposuction, making fewer postoperative pain. Is particularly suitable for the abdomen, legs, anterior arms and buttocks.

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Irma Senja said...

selamat pagi mba osi ^^

apa kabar ? lama gak berkunjung ke rmh virtualmu,smg slalu sehat y mba...

happy monday mba ^^

Anonymous said...

Mbak Osiiiii.......
koleksi osinya udah balik lagi...Hore....

Leann said...

This is interesting! I was on Cellulean reviews site looking for cellulite remedies and was redirected to your page. I was wondering if you have tried this and so far was there any adverse effects?

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